While it’s not well documented, it’s possible to do a bare-metal restore of a machine running Windows XP that’s been backed up via BackupPC (assuming, of course, that some method, such as that documented here, has been used to back up open files, such as the registry.)
Step 1: Build a local tar file using BackupPC_tarCreate
The alternative, BackupPC_zipCreate, proved problematic; the gigantic archives that it created could not be completely recovered, yet tar archives proved intact. At any rate, this is best accomplished from the command line, as the backuppc user:
BackupPC_tarCreate -t -n -1 -h borkstation -s C / > borkstation.tar
“borkstation” is the name of the host to recover, “-n -1” means the latest backup, and you’ll obviously need to have enough space where the tar file is going to store the entire backup, which will not be compressed. Note the space between the “C”, which represents the share to restore, and the “/”, which represents the directory to restore.
Step 2: Prepare bare XP
Basically, you want to install a working copy of the operating system. Aside from network drivers, it really doesn’t matter if anything’s installed or working, you’re going to wipe it all out anyway. The filesystem and the partitions will stay, so configure those the way that you want your system to finally end up.
Step 3: Prepare Recovery Console
Using the same install CD, you can install the recovery console to speed things up a little versus booting from the CD, although either option will work. To install the recovery console, use Start->Run, then
d:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons
Where D: is the letter if the CD-ROM. Whether you choose to install it or not isn’t really important, but what is important is that you open up the permissions for Recovery Console, or some of the remaining steps won’t work.
- Start->Run, then type secpol.msc
- Go to Security settings->Local policies->Security options
- Scroll down to “Recovery console: Allow floppy copy and access to all drives and all folders” and make sure it is enabled.
Step 4: Install Cygwin
You’ll need a “tar” utility you can rely on for the next step, and experimenting with a plethora of them has shown that unless you build your own, you’ll really need Cygwin. While installing, be sure to select the gnu tar package. (Unless your backup contains Cygwin, you can just delete the c:\cygwin directory later to get rid of it all.)
Step 5: Unpack the tar file to the local drive
A prerequisite to this step is that you get access to the tar file created in step 1 — which you’ll have to wait for if it isn’t finished being built yet. The simplest way to get access to the file is to map a drive to the *nix box that has the tar file. I mapped mine to the Z: drive, which was a pretty arbitrary choice.
Next, create a directory to put the recovered files into, because you do not want them going into the root directory yet. I created a directory called “recovery.” Launch Cygwin, then:
cd /cygdrive/c/recovery
tar -xvf /cygdrive/z/borkstation.tar
This part takes a while, but when it’s complete, the entire system as backed up will be in the c:\recovery directory. N.B.: this goes a little faster if you leave off the “v” parameter, but then you don’t see anything in the way of progress. It also helps to occlude or minimize the cygwin window.
Step 6: Rename and move files
There are three hardcoded paths in XP, that are probably the only folders in root on your minimal installation: Program Files, Documents and Settings, and WINDOWS. Within the c:\recovery directory, rename these to something else. I chose “Program Files.recovery” and so on.
Once these three directories are renamed, cut and paste everything from c:\recovery to c:\. There’s no need to replace any files in c:\, and there shouldn’t be any overlaps, so if Windows asks if you want to overwrite any files, say “no.”
Step 7: Boot to Recovery Console and rename key folders
Here’s where Step 3 becomes pretty important. Once you boot into Recovery Console, you’ll need to allow yourself to work in the root of the drive using the “set” command:
set AllowAllPaths = TRUE
Once that’s done, you can rename the three hardcoded directory paths, moving the originals out of the way for your recovered files. For the sake of having a fallback position, I rename rather than delete them at this point:
ren "Program Files" "Program Files.delete"
ren "Program Files.recovery" "Program Files"
ren "Documents and Settings" "Documents and Settings.delete"
ren "Documents and Settings.recovery" "Documents and Settings"
ren WINDOWS.recovery WINDOWS
The suffix “.delete” has no inherent meaning, it just gets the folders out of the way and signals that I don’t need them any more. Once this is done, and you’re sure there were no unfortunate typos, you can type “exit” to reboot to a recovered system.
Step 8: Clean up
After rebooting, pretty much everything should be as it was, although you’ll have three extra directories with a “.deleted” suffix plus the cygwin directory to get rid of. It may be necessary to take ownership and grant yourself permission to do so, but there’s really no reason not to wipe them all out, since your original folders and files should be intact.
While the “read only” flag has been preserved for recovered files, the “hidden” and “system” attributes have not. For most files, this doesn’t seem to matter much, but the “desktop.ini” files that dot the drives can have weird side effects, like launching an editor upon boot and showing up. It’s easy enough to fix from the command line:
cd \
attrib +h +s /s desktop.ini
This will grind away for a while, since it will reset all the desktop.ini files on the drive. Once complete, you’re back to where you were upon your last backup.
Pingback: BackupPC with ssh/rsync/VSS on Windows Server « Gerald Brandt
If only we had a solution for Windows ACL’s to go along with the VSS solution, it would be perfect — of course, the TAR solution wouldn’t work anymore, but I think we could find a way around that.
Is there any way to use ROBOCOPY to help make this happen?
@Antoine, I am not sure what you mean by “bare metal restore”. But if your question is whether you can use backuppc to take and restore backups from both Linux and Windows, the answer is yes. Please clarify your question if this is not the answer you were expecting. Thanks.